A new article is up , let’s decode the process of installation of Greenwithenvy on UBUNTU.
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Introducing GreenWithEnvy – the ultimate solution for Linux users with NVIDIA graphics cards.
This powerful, open-source utility provides real-time insights into your GPU’s performance, including usage stats, memory share, temperature, power consumption, and more. With GreenWithEnvy, you can also monitor encoder/decoder activity and fan speed, ensuring optimal performance at all times. Additionally, this tool offers detailed information about your graphics card, such as model name, driver version number, and clock speed. Best of all, GreenWithEnvy is completely free to use, making it the perfect choice for Linux users looking to maximize their NVIDIA graphics card’s potential.
It can be considered as a viable option for Linux users seeking an alternative to MSI Afterburner or ASUS’ GPU Tweak II, which are well-known tools exclusively available for Windows.
It is important to note that while GreenWithEnvy may not fully replicate all the features, tweaks, and toggles found in these Windows tools,it does offer a satisfactory range of functionalities to meet the majority of users’ requirements.
Install GrenWithEnvy on Ubuntu
The developer of this NVIDIA graphics card utility recommends Ubuntu users install GreenWithEnvy from Flathub (indeed, recommends it for most other Linux distros too). The Flatpak version doesn’t work with beta versions of the proprietary NVIDIA Linux drivers), and is only truly useful in an X11/Xorg session.
Now, Flatpak is not installed in Ubuntu by default so you have to install it first. You then have to enable Flathub too (well worth doing as scores of open-source software is available there).
Below I show you how to do both things using the command line.
The CLI can seem intimidating but for this set of tasks it’s the most efficient way (as Ubuntu Software/App Center doesn’t show “system packages”, and there’s no GUI way to add a Flathub repo without additional software).
First, run this command to install Flatpak on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install flatpak
Then enable Flathub support:
flatpak –user remote-add –if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
That’s basically it; you can now install GreenWithEnvy like so:
flatpak install flathub com.leinardi.gwe
This command will list any runtimes required by the app (a runtime is a bundle of core dependencies that this and other apps can use, so you only have to download it once) so hit y to continue.
Open the app picker in Ubuntu and launch GreenWithEnvy to gawk at GPU stats.
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