How To Generate a New SSH Key In Windows

Published December 16, 2022

How To Generate a New SSH Key In Windows

In principle, an ssh connection is a standard, for example, to connect to a Linux server. Of course, the SSH connection is used as the main administration tool. As a rule, every root server offers the possibility of an SSH connection. By means of SSH ( Secure Shell ) allows you to establish an encrypted connection to the command line ( Shell ) on your web server. For most Windows users, SSH should appear like a DOS prompt, the function is indeed the same. You can execute commands in the command line both via SSH and via the command prompt, only that SSH does not execute them locally on your computer, but on the web server.

What are SSH keys

SSH keys are “access cards” for SSH. A file is generated for the client and a corresponding one for the server; however, these are not the same, so knowing the server key is not enough to find out a client key. When connecting to the server using the SSH key, the server checks whether the client key is valid and then lets the client log in accordingly. Passwords are no longer required to connect via SSH.

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